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A Song for the Road (Murdoch Books, 2012) Morris, Philip It’s a Long Way (Echo, 2015) w. Martin Fabinyi The Bumper Book of Rock (Outback Press, 1976) Morrison, Don This Could Be Big (Donmo, 2010) Morrison, James Blowing My Own Trumpet (Murdoch, 2006) Mothersbaugh, Mark Apotropaic Beatnik Graffiti (Blank Industries, 2024) Mott, Tony Every Picture Tells a Story (ABC, 2004) Rock’n’Roll Photography is the New Trainspotting (Rockpool, 2011) Alphabet A-Z: Some Rock, Some Roll, Some Other Things (Tony Mott, 2015) Rock'n'Roll Gallery (Wilkinson, 2023) w. Jeff Jenkins and Miranda Young Michael Jackson: Remember the Time (Wilkinson, 2009) Mueller, Andrew Rock and Hard Places (Virgin, 1999) Too Late to Die Young Now: Misadventures in Rock’n’Roll (Pan Macmillan, 2013) Munns, Geoff The Places of Van Morrison's Songwriting (Routledge, 2023) Into the Music: A Van Morrison Discography (self, 2024) Munoz, George (Ed.) When the Birdmen Flew (High Voltage, 2022) Munshower, Suzanne The Bee Gees (US: Jove, 1978) Murray, Jacqueline A Tale of Two Brothers: Jim Morrison and Michael Hutchence (US: AuthorHouse, 2008) Murray, Neil Native Born (One Hill Day, 2009) [See also Fiction] Nankervis, Brian RockWiz (Hardie Grant, 2006) Neil, Andrew A Fortnight of Furore (UK: Mutley Press, 1998) Nettelbeck, Colin Dancing with De Beauvoir: Jazz and the French (Miegunyah, 2004) Neville, Richard Play Power (Cape, 1970) Playing Around (Arrow, 1991) Hippy Hippy Shake (Bloomsbury, 1995) Out of My Mind (Penguin, 1996) Newton-John, Olivia Don't Stop Believin' (Penguin, 2018) Nichols, David The Go-Betweens (US: Verse Chorus Press, 1997) Dig (Verse Chorus Press, 2016) w. Claire Isaa, and Marc Andrews Pop Life: Inside Smash Hits Australia 1984-2007 (Affirm Press, 2011) w. Sophie Perillo (Eds.) Urban Australia and Post-Punk: Exploring Dogs in Space (Palgrave, 2020) Nicol, Scott Johnny Nicol: My Life My Music (c.2009) Nimmervol, Ed Under the Covers: The Music Graphics of Ian McCausland, Graeme Webber & Steve Malpass (Electronic Pictures, 1998) Friday on My Mind (Five Mile Press, 2004) w. Euan Thorburn Elvis: 1000 Elvis Presley Facts (And a Bit of Hearsay) (Norman J. Field & Co, 1977) w. Renée Geyer Confessions of a Difficult Woman (HarperCollins, 2000) w. Normie Rowe Normie: The Normie Rowe Story (New Holland, 2013) Nissen, Melanie Hard + Fast (Blank Industries, 2024) Noll, Shannon So Far (New Holland, 2012) Norelli, Clare Nina Twin Peaks (33.3/Bloomsbury, 2017) O’Brien, Denis My Story: Harry M. Miller (Macmillan, 1983) O'Brien, Paul Nowhere Fast (AndAlso, 2024) O’Connell, Deirdre Blind Tom: America’s Lost Musical Genius (US: Overlook Press, 2009) Harlem Nights: Secret History of Australia's Jazz Age (MUP, 2021) O'Connor, Chris You Don't Need a Weatherman: Dylan for Beginners (Melbourne Books, 2024) O’Grady, Anthony The Pure Stuff (Allen & Unwin, 2001) O'Grady, Pat Bee Gees, Process and Latent Elements in Music Production (Routledge, 2024) O’Hanlon, Seamus and Tanja Luckins (Eds.) Go! Melbourne (Circa, 2005) Olsen, John Half Mad, Completely Deaf (Black Inc, 2023) O'Neill, Michael Bee Gees: How Deep is Your Love (Sona, 2021) Opitz, Mark w. Jeff Jenkins and Luke Wallis Sophisto-Punk (Random House, 2012) Oram, Jim The Business of Pop (Horwitz, 1966) O’Shea, Mick 5 Seconds of Summer (Plexus, 2015) Overell, Rosie Affective Intensities in Extreme Music Scenes: Cases from Australia and Japan (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) Owen, J.D. Murder on Stage (CreateSpace, 2014) Rock'n'Roll in a Danger Zone (CreateSpace, 2014) Oxley, Jeremy, and Mary Oxley Griffiths Here Comes the Sun (Allen & Unwin, 2015) Page, Geoff Bernie McGann: A Life in Jazz (Kardoorair, 1997) Afficionado: A Jazz Memoir (Picaro Press, 2014) [See also Fiction] Page, Greg Now and Then (HarperCollins, 2011) PBS 40 Years of PBS Radio (PBS, 2019) Pepperell, David (aka Dr.Pepper) Raphael Alias (Outback Press, 1976) w. Colin Talbot 100 Greatest Australian Singles of the 60s (Melbourne Books, 2015) Perkins, Tex, w. Stuart Coupe Tex (Pan Macmillan, 2017) Pestorius, David (Ed.) Lyrics of Robert Forster (KAAN-Verlag, 2015) Peters-Little, Frances Yorta Yorta Man (Hardie Grant, 2023) Phillips, Mark Radio City: The First 30 Years of Triple-R (Vulgar Press, 2006) Phillips, Peter Slim Dusty Around Australia (Peter Phillips, 1983) Piggott, Stacey Blow Your Own Trumpet: A Musician’s Guide to Publicity and Airplay (Two Fish Out of Water, 2012) Pinne, Peter w. 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