This page is a repository for stuff of mine that either never made it all the way to production, in other words got spiked, or got lost in old piles of newsprint, or started out as hobbyhorses I maintained in the isolation of my own workspace - but all of which begged a resurrection out of that sort of obscurity. It just seemed a waste to leave such good slabs of research lying around gathering dust, and not getting used for the purpose for which they were designed. And so I dusted off this fair number of documents and kind of re-mixed them to post here. I think they can still make an invaluable contribution to the historiography of Australian and international music. As ever, all I ask is that if you do use any of this material for the purpose for which it was designed – to aid in research – please just accord the appropriate acknowledgement. Some of these documents amount to virtual little books in their own right; in fact, altogether, minus perhaps the internationally-oriented 'Rock Ink', they add up to a good-sized veritable book that plugs just some of the gaps in the literature of Oz pop. Click through the images: